
Love what we do?

Second Stork is a volunteer run organization that takes pride in maintaining a highly efficient operation. We can maximize your donation and purchase essential supplies like diapers, wipes, and playards with bassinet attachments, and sheets for parents in need.

Choose your preferred giving method:

Recurring Donation
One Time Donation
Gift Donation

Donate by Transferring Stock?

Donating Stock or other securities is greatly appreciated, plus may have tax advantages for you.*
If you are 70-1/2 or older, you can even donate all or a portion of your “Required Minimum Distribution” (RMD) directly.

To learn how, contact or by phone.

* Second Stork recommends you consult your financial or tax advisor prior to making any changes to your stock portfolio.

Giving through your charitable giving program at work?

If you are able to designate your workplace charitable giving to a specific organization, please consider Second Stork. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Simply specify your designated amount, include our address, and submit the information at the time you make your pledge.

Second Stork │ 130 Eva Street │ St. Paul, MN │ 55107

Our nonprofit EIN number is 264699129
