Ann Dickinson

Ann DickinsonCo-Founder and Past President, 2009-2012

Ann has been a leader in non-profits that provide financial and material aid to expectant mothers. Before she helped found Second Stork, she and her husband founded Cradle of Hope, which has given out millions of dollars in financial aid to pregnant women in Minnesota since 1973.

Ann was eager to help Second Stork get established because streamlining material aid to moms and babies is crucial. Second Stork gives women that aid at a time they need it most: as they prepare to take their babies home.

A retired teacher, Ann started her career in USAID’s Teachers for East Africa program at Nganza Secondary School near the Serengeti. She often returns to Africa to reconnect with secondary schools and to assist her husband and daughter with medical mission work. Even so, Ann remains committed to always be ready to support the good work of Second Stork.